About Pro Gaming Foundry

tandy computer

The TRS-80 Model 1, courtesy of Wikimedia

My first video game as a kid was a TV pong unit. There were no cartridges, or other games to play – just a console with two wired controllers with a dial on them to make the paddles move back and forth. And yet my sister and I played it for hours.

Later one of my friends got an Atari 2600, and we used to play Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, and a few other classics until his mom pulled the plug and drove us outside.

My first computer was a TRS-80 Model 1 from Radio Shack. I taught myself to program on that machine, but also spent countless hours gaming on it. It included a cassette tape interface, which allowed me to load my favorites like the Zork series, and even a flight simulator. My time on that machine set the course of my life, and led me into a career as a programmer.

So Pro Gaming Foundry was created from my journey from pong to pro. It is my desire that everyone would experience the same joy of gaming I have felt, and I hope that comes through in the posts and articles on this site. I do ask that if you have an interesting story, anecdote, or gaming experience, please send it in.